Tight Knit
I spent much of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 reporting and writing this podcast series about family caregivers, which I also host.
Some of you know what it's like to be a caregiver, or perhaps, like me, you're at the age where you're thinking about it more and more, and the child/parent relationship is starting to flip.
Family caregivers do their work unheralded, mostly. If you're lucky, you have a close relationship with the person you're caring for. But not everyone does - sometimes quite the opposite - yet often they step up anyway. That's one of the stories we tell in this series.
And who knew about dementia service dogs? Not me, until I found myself sitting in a living room in central Michigan, watching a tiny dog fetch her master's medication at his command.
The series was funded by the Ralph C Wilson Junior Foundation and was a real team effort. I worked closely with executive producer Mikel Ellcessor and editor Diantha Parker.
Mark Roberts of Elwell, Michigan with Sophie, his service dog
Working on this series and meeting the caregivers who make these stories what they are has been a highlight of my career.